Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej’s Bro The Avatar was released yesterday on worldwide screens. The film had received a bit of negative talk from the Overseas, but the response was much better in the Telugu states and the film has performed very well at the box office. Let’s take a look at the 1St day box office performance of the film.
The film had a decent opening day at the box office. Pawan Kalyan’s stardom worked again despite the film being a normal remake. A few areas which had reported weak figures in the noon shows also picked up very well for the night shows and posted decent to good numbers overall.
To achieve the breakeven mark, the film should collect 100 Crores and the 1st day worldwide share is expected to be in the around 30 Crores worldwide, which means the film has done around 30% recovery on opening day itself. The Weekend performance of Bro The Avatar should be more good with bigger numbers.
The team of Bro has opted for the regular G.O ticket prices in both the Telugu states and which is why it is not having any ticket hikes. Also, there are no many hires for the film, so the 1St day numbers will not be bigger compared to other big star films.