There have been a lot of speculations and rumours over Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak. While the makers had earlier announced Sankranti season as the release time, recently there were reports of the movie being pushed for a later date.
Amidst all this confusion, Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak has closed all of its theatrical business in AP and Telangana for all areas.. The makers, in fact, have been stating to the distributors that the film will release as planned for Sankranti on January 12th.
The shooting of the film is going on at a great pace with some key action scenes being shot currently. Sagar Chandra will be directing this remake. Nithya Menen will be seen for the first time alongside Pawan Kalyan while Murali Sharma will be playing a key role.
We will soon be posting area-wise details of the theatrical business.