Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak after an excellent weekend has dropped on its first weekday at the box office. The fourth-day collections were quite underwhelming compared to the initial days. While the film had an average hold in Andhra, it saw huge drops in the Nizam region. Here’s the fourth-day region wise breakup of Bheemla Nayak
Nizam: 1.85Cr
Ceeded : 0.65cr
UA: 0.6Cr
Guntur : 0.35Cr
East:0.34 Cr
West: 0.21 Cr
Krishna: 0.37 Cr
Nellore: 0.15 Cr
Total AP/TG – 4.52Cr
This action entertainer starring Pawan Kalyan and Rana is expected to do better business today owing to the Shivratri holiday. While the advance bookings for the holiday haven’t been encouraging, there is great optimism about the film gaining a holiday advantage today.