Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy was attacked with a stone yesterday at a political rally. It nearly missed hitting him in the eye as well. Fortunately, he was okay and recovered after treatment by the doctors immediately. All known leaders of the country responded to the issue condemning the attack and even prayed for the recovery of the CM. However, one person hasn’t responded yet. He is Pawan Kalyan, Actor from Tollywood who also happens to be the Chief of a Political Party. Pawan Kalyan has been maintaining silence on AP CM Jagan’s attack.
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi took no time to respond and tweeted immediately. Chief Ministers of other states too wished for the speedy recovery of the CM. But Pawan Kalyan hasn’t said anything about the incident. Ironically, he tweeted something about Cosmos and Ramana Maharshi but chose not to wish recovery for the Chief Minister after the attack. His Political Alliance partner, Nara Chandrababu Naidu even tweeted condemning the attack and wished for the recovery of Jagan. But Pawan Kalyan failed at doing this. No one understands what bothers Pawan Kalyan doing this when Chandrababu Naidu himself did this.
This is not in good taste. An actor who happens to be a political leader must follow some ideals and be inspirational to others. Pawan Kalyan not doing this is definitely unfortunate. Pawan Kalyan’s brother Naga Babu, another actor and producer of Tollywood went ahead and tweeted badly about the incident and deleted the tweet immediately. Ironically, he tweeted condemning the attack afterwards. People trolled him badly for these childish acts. These types of acts are not all good on the part of celebrities or political leaders. Hatred and Inhuman behavior have no place in society. Let’s wish for the speedy recovery of our CM.