Power Star Pawan Kalyan has completely recovered from Corona, an official note from Janasena Party stated. The actor turned politician had tested positive for Corona earlier last month and has been in home quarantine ever since.
The statement further mentioned that the doctors conducted tests on him three days ago and certified him as fit. Pawan Kalyan is completely healthy now and has no further issues barring slight weakness which is common with Corona.
Pawan Kalyan felt uneasy last month when he returned from his campaign in Tirupati. Following the uneasiness, he took the Covid test. But, results came back negative. The Vakeel Saab actor later tested positive for Covid on April 16th following which he went into a home quarantine.
“During the quarantine at his farmhouse, Pawan continued to experience body aches and fever. So he took another test, and only then he tested positive for Covid-19. Cardiologist Dr Tangella Suman was flown down to Hyderabad from Khammam to treat Pawan Kalyan,” read the statement.