Pawan Kalyan has lined up several films now and for quite some time he has focussed on completing maximum projects without taking much time. These films turned out to be a jackpot for the producers as they were made on comparatively smaller budgets. However, the collections of these films were on par with big-budget movies because of his stardom
For the last couple of years, Pawan Kalyan has adopted a strategy that’s focused on finishing projects in quick time. He is doing safe projects and remakes with proven stories that can be a profitable venture for everyone.
Currently, he has Vinodhaya Seetham remake under Samuthirakani’s direction and Hara Hara Veera Mallu under Krish’s direction. After this, he will be seen in Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh under Harish Shankar. The Janasena chief has kept a strategic silence about what lies next after Harish Shankar project.
With a couple of years to go for the next AP Assembly Elections, Pawan Kalyan wants to finish maximum projects and fulfill all his further commitments. According to reports, the Janasena Chief wants to focus on the 2024 elections so there is a long break or even a possibility of quitting the movies depending on the election results