Pawan Kalyan has taken a break from his political activities as a Deputy CM and is currently in the shoot mode. The Actor has attended the shoot of his upcoming film, Hari Hara Veera Mallu which is in the final stage of making. An image was also released officially by the team where the Actor was seen discussing a scene with the Director, A.M. Jyothi Krishna. This has gone viral on social media platforms.
Pawan Kalyan till now has actively concentrated on politics and stayed away from film proceedings. He has slowly lined up his films for the release and likewise, also decided to finish his shoot portions quickly. He will also be taking part in his other film, OG directed by Sujeeth. Both the films will mostly complete the shoot part in the coming months and would go on with the post production works.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu is slated for release on 28th March next year as a Summer release while OG is aimed for a September release. Fans and Audience have been eagerly waiting for these films since long time. With Pawan Kalyan arriving on sets, they will surely be pumped up.