Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu has picked up the pace the film’s unit has now resumed shooting of an action schedule at Ramoji Film City. The schedules were continuously delayed because of various reasons. But, finally a few days back a fresh schedule was started in Ramoji Film City with other cast and crew.
On Tuesday, Pawan Kalyan joined the shooting much to everyone’s glee. Both Krish and Pawan want to finish the movie as soon as possible. The Makers are planning to finish the Pawan Kalyan’s part at first later they shoot the remaining so that his political schedules can also be adjusted.
Krish is planning for a long schedule and finishing the majority of filming here. There are a lot of expectations for this project and Pawan and Krish are focussed on the best output. Krish feels they should not rush and give an unfinished product just for the sake of sticking to deadlines.
The music will be composed by MM Keeravani under Mega Surya Productions. Hari Hara Veera Mallu is a pan-India project and apart from Telugu will also release in Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi. Nidhi Agerwal will be seen alongside Pawan Kalyan in this prestigious project.