Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej’s upcoming film, Bro The Avatar movie’s team is having inconsistency in its promotions. After taking a gap for a while. The teaser of the film was released recently and the first single was scheduled to be released on July 3rd. But the team failed to deliver the promise and the fans of Pawan Kalyan are now angry on Thaman about Bro The Avatar’s music.
The music director of the film, Thaman S, took to his Twitter account and told that the next music from the team will be On July 3rd, but the song did not release. The fans of Pawan Kalyan are angry at Thaman and they are sure that he is the reason for the delay in the single getting released.
The film is releasing in this month but still not even a single song has been released and the PSPK fans are not happy and thinking Thaman is delaying the song’s output. Because the songs are very crucial not only for small, but they are important for bigger films as well. There is just a 3 week gap for the release date and there are no signs from the film’s team about the promotional content.
Starring Sai Dharam Tej and Ketika Sharma, the film’s shoot started early this year and the Power Star wrapped up his portions in a pretty short span of time. Brahmanandam, Rohini Molleti, Subbaraju, Tanikella Bharani, and Raja Chembolu play other critical roles in this film.
People Media Factory in association with ZEE Studios produces this Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej starrer, which will have the tunes of Thaman S. A remake of the Tamil fantasy drama- Vinodaya Sitham that starred Samuthirakani and Thambhi Ramaiah, this project has wrapped up its schedules pretty fast with Samuthirakani making some needed changes to match Pawan Kalyan’s star image.