We see fans going overboard with their comments and posts on Social Media platforms. Such is the situation with some of the fans of Tollywood Actor, Pawan Kalyan. Pawan Kalyan’s former wife, Renu Desai always engages in conversations with his fans. She also feels bad with the kind of posts and comments she receives from them. Now, a Pawan Kalyan fan has hurt Renu Desai again.
A Pawan Kalyan had replied to Renu Desai’s post by saying that she was very unlucky meaning that she shouldn’t have divorced Pawan Kalyan. This had hurt Renu Desai. She countered the fan by saying that her luck was not just tied to one man and felt very blessed by her life. The Actress said that all the divorced men and women don’t feel bad or unlucky because of their marriage life breaking in the middle.
She also said that it was 2024 and all should need to evolve as a society and stop associating luck with a divorce. The Actress also opined that all need to start seeing the person as an individual and not as someone who is related to someone else. She posted this entire conversation on her official Instagram account.