Kollywood Actor Vijay ventured into politics yesterday with a grand meet. The Actor received warm welcome messages from many Kollywood celebrities as well. Now, Tollywood Actor cum Politican Pawan Kalyan has officially congratulated Vijay on his political journey on his X/Twitter handle. The tweet went viral instantly.
Pawan Kalyan who leads Janasena Party welcomed Vijay into politcs and wished him success as well. This tweet felt very surprising for fans and audiences. However, Vijay is yet to respond on this tweet. The Actor made a fiery speech yesterday addressing almost 8 lakh people who had gathered. He talked about many ideologies and agendas his party would implement.
Vijay is also expected to make a big mark in the political landscape of Tamil Nadu. He has already made a decision of quitting films for politics. He will only be working for Thalapathy69 and would concentrate only on politics after finishing the film. The Actor will also compete for the 2026 Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections.