Tollywood Actors Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu stood as the contemporary top stars of the Industry. They delivered many biggest blockbusters showing their range at the box office. Even when many other Actors achieving a Pan India craze and popularity these two are still continuing their dominance with normal range films. Now their re-release films show that Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu are still the Elite Heroes.
Mahesh Babu’s Murari4K and Pawan Kalyan’s Gabbar Singh4K re-released recently and have established big record on the opening day. The celebration by fans and audience during these re-releases looked like as if they had released their ongoing films. This is great thing to happen for both of the star heroes. Their re-release openings are also on par with a Tier 2 hero film’s revenue on the opening day.
Both these heroes’ upcoming films contain great hype among the audience. Pawan Kalyan’s OG, Hari Hara Veera Mallu and Ustaad Bhagat Singh are in the shoot stage and will be released one after the other. Whereas, Mahesh Babu has already collaborated with Tollywood’s top director, SS Rajamouli for their globe-trotting adventure. Fans and Audience are eagerly waiting for the combo to take off the project.