Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan registered the biggest ever opening for a Hindi film in India and worldwide, and it seems like the second day collections of the film have set a new record. As per Box Office experts, the film’s day 2 estimates stand at Rs 70 crore net on Thursday, which was a holiday due to Republic Day.
So, if the trade reports are to believed, Pathaan would indeed make history as no Bollywood movie has made even 60 crores net in a single day. If Pathaan gets 70 Crores, then it will be the first film to cross the mark of 60-65-70 crores net in a single day.
Shahrukh Khan’s last 3 films have failed to collect 100 Crores net in India in their full run, but Pathaan is on course to make history by collecting more than Rs 120 crore in just 2 days. And if it continues the same dominance at the box office, Pathaan might enter the Rs 200 crore club in the opening weekend itself.
Pathaan saw Shah Rukh Khan return to the silver screen after over four years and so far, it seems like the fans and audience are loving the film for its explosive entertainment. The industry circles and audience expected the film to score well at the box office, but no one would have dreamt that it will create such massive records.
Pathaan astonished everyone with its collections and took Bollywood box office to the next level. Directed by Siddharth Anand, Pathaan also stars Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana in crucial roles.