Panchayat season 3, one of India’s most awaited web series is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The first two seasons of this comedy drama were hugely successful and depicted the life of a young Panchayat secretary (Jeetendra Kumar) in a village. The show also stars veteran actors Ragubir Yadav and Neena Gupta.
Panchayat is one of the most critically acclaimed and unanimously loved web series of recent times. The show’s natural depiction of rural life, quirky characters, and a bouquet of emotions made the show a dear favourite of netizens.
The first season of the show was released in April 2020 during peak lockdown while season 2 was released in May 2022. The show also stars Sanvikaa, Chandan Roy, Durgesh Kumar, and Faisal Khan in key roles and follows the events of the season 2 climax where ‘Phulera’ villagers went against the local MLA.
Panchayat season 3 will give us a further glimpse into village-level politics and how Jeetendra Kumar, Raghubir Das, and Neena Gupta face opposition from some villagers who have their own political ambitions. The show’s eight episodes are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. You can now watch Panchayat Season 3 here.