The leading OTT Giant, Netflix has planned of making a documentary on Telugu Director SS Rajamouli. The said documentary will focus on the director’s rise to being the top Telugu Director and his Pan India success with Baahubali series followed by RRR. The OTT platform made the announcement yesterday naming the documentary as “Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli.” This documentary will release on August 2nd this year.
We all know how Rajamouli made himself a brand with the success of Baahubali. He rose to nationwide success with Baahubali 1 and Baahubali 2. The next film, RRR catapulted his fame even further on the Netflix platform worldwide. RRR trended on Netflix in many countries and became a Pan World hit as well.
Many celebrities of Indian cinema will share their views about Rajamouli and his successful films in this documentary. This documentary will further increase his stature and pave a significant way for his upcoming film with Mahesh Babu. The director is already trying hard to rope in any Hollywood’s prestigious banner for the film. He is also making all necessary arrangements for his upcoming film’s launch. This film is said to be an action adventure set in the backdrop of African forests.