Oscars rejected Laapataa Ladies. Produced by Bollywood star Aamir Khan-backed and directed by his ex-wife Kiran Rao, Laapataa Ladies was sent as India’s official entry for the Best Foreign Language Film category, and the latest news is that the film is out of the Oscars race.
Many expected the village drama would make it to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ official shortlists for the upcoming 97th Oscars ceremony. However, the Oscars rejected Laapataa Ladies, and the news has left Indian movie lovers upset and they are discussing this issue on social media.
Netizens feel that Laapataa Ladies deserves to be picked as a contender for the Oscar Award. However, like many Indian movies, Kiran Rao’s movie was not selected for Oscars. Starring Nitanshi Goel, Prathibha Ranta, and Sparsh Srivastava in the lead roles, Laapataa Ladies is currently available on Netflix for streaming.