This Sankranti saw the release of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya and Balakrishna’s Veera Simha Reddy. Fans were eagerly waiting for these two massive movies featuring the two big stars of Tollywood to clash at the box office and provide them with proper action entertainers.
All other websites gave poor reviews for both mass movies Veera Simha Reddy and Waltair Veerayya. Almost every website excluding Track Tollywood has given a poor rating and review to Waltair Veerayya than Veera Simha Reddy. Track Tollywood has given 2.75 ratings to both movies and also mentioned that due to the entertainment quotient, Waltair Veerayya will have the advantage and will be Pongal winner on the release date itself.
Veera Simha Reddy had an excellent 1st week run in the Telugu States by collecting a share of 56Crs at the box office. The film is all set to achieve the breakeven mark by 2nd weekend. Theatrical rights of the film are valued at 74.7Crs and the film has collected 65.04Crs worldwide.
Waltair Veerayya has achieved the breakeven mark and the worldwide share of Waltair Veerayya will be close to 90 Crores as the pre-business is valued at 88 Crores and now the movie is heading towards a massive blockbuster.