Superstar Rajinikanth has taken part in the celebrations of Y Gee Mahendra’s blockbuster play Charukesi, and his speech at the event has caught the attention of fans on social media. During the communication, Rajinikanth shared some life lessons with fans at the ceremony, and reminded his initial times when he was a conductor and was not married.
Rajinikanth complimented his wife Latha and addressed her as the key behind his energy as he served tirelessly at the age of 72. Rajinikanth further revealed that he used to drink and smoke regularly during his early days, and he had consumed non-veg food in the usual way.
The South Indian Superstar then shared that drinking, smoking, and non-veg foods are a deadly combination, and this combo affects the lives of many.
Talking about his married life, the superstar further continued that marrying his wife Latha was his life-changing moment. His better half has turned his life into a quiet and healthful one with her love and care. Overall, he mentioned that only because of his wife’s affection he has changed his lifestyle and left bad habits.
Rajinikanth also extended his wishes to Y Gee Mahendran’s play Charukesi to become a massive success and called Y Gee Mahendran’s daughter Maduvanthi as his heir (Varisu) as she is so supportive of her father.