Only dubbed films are getting released for Diwali. The Tollywood box office is flooded with dubbed films during Diwali 2023. It’s shocking to note that there is no significant Telugu movie being released this Diwali season. Several Tamil films, like Karthi’s Japan Karthik Subbaraj’s Jigarthanda Double X, will be released for Diwali.
The only Telugu film that was planned to be released on Diwali 2023 was Aadikeshava by Panja Vaisshnav Tej, but it has been postponed to later. Aadikeshava’s makers felt the Diwali release was not a better choice since the entire nation would be hooked with ODI World Cup fever.So, Aadikeshava has been postponed to 24th November; there are no notable straight Telugu films for this Diwali weekend. Only dubbed films are getting released for Diwali.
Salman Khan’s Tiger 3, Karthi’s Japan, and Lawrence’s Jigarthanda Double X are being released for Diwali. That means there will be a complete dubbed film domination in theaters of Telugu states.
Tollywood makers usually prefer not to plan releases for Diwali like other festivals. Because November movies have a poor run, unlike other seasons. November and February are always considered the dry period for films in Tollywood.