Tollywood Veteran Actor Mohan Babu attacked a media reporter yesterday who was covering the fight that erupted within the family of the Actor. Younger Son of the Actor, Manoj went against the family for unknown reasons creating ruckus at their farmhouse. This incident became a bit controversial attracting huge media coverage. Mohan Babu was not happy with the media’s enthusiastic activities and attacked the media reporter for the same reason. But surprisingly, Mohan Babu has been getting unanimous online support for his attack on the media reporter.
When the media reporter came forward extending the mic to get the response, the Actor became agitated by pulling the mic away and attacked with the same on the media person’s head. This became viral instantly on all social media platforms. Majority of the section of the netizens felt that Mohan Babu did the right thing attacking the media reporter for overstepping in the personal issues of the Actor. They even started appreciating the Actor for his act condemning the enthusiastic behaviour of media reporters over sensitive issues.
On the other hand, many media channels have also been slamming Mohan Babu for his alleged physical atrocity against a media reporter. The Actor is currently under treatment in a hospital following the complaints of high BP and weakness. His younger son, Manoj who became the epicenter of the whole incident is still quite charged and not backing away. We need to see how the family resolves this issue.