The recently released film of Suriya, Kanguva is heading towards one of the biggest disasters of Kollywood. The high budgeted film was aggressively projected as a Pan India wonder from the makers but ended up gathering largely negative response from audience. The choice of One Kanguva has now become equivalent to 100 mistakes for Suriya and let’s see why.
Suriya was going through a series of flops and had no proper hit for few years before Kanguva. But a big budgeted film like Kanguva was planned aiming higher than Suriya’s usual potential. The makers too day dreamt about the result and didn’t concentrate on the quality of the film delivering a poor content film. Kanguva is also not showing sign of improvement in this current weekend indicating a box office revenue of less than 100 crores.
This has now seriously backfired the career of Suriya. His upcoming projects, especially, Karna which was planned before has now been cancelled, as per sources. This is a serious hit to the Actor.
Apart from this, Suriya now needs to immediately do a film to compensate for the big losses Kanguva established. This means, he has to do a low budget film and receive a low remuneration as well. And no one knows if this film works out as well leading to a big dilemma. This is not at all a good sign for an actor like Suriya.
The Actor should’ve concentrated more on reality rather than assuming himself and his film as a Pan India wonder before the release. This talk has also badly misfired with many now trolling him and the makers brutally on social media platforms. He is currently working for Suriya44 under Karthik Subbaraj direction and this film should work big for the Actor.