Adipurush starring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon released last year amid huge expectations. But the film failed to reach the expectations and it had hurt many people due to the portrayal of Ramayana through animation. Adipurush received trolling at the director, Om Raut for creating this mess as well. But now, Om Raut claims Adipurush as a box office success.
In an interview, Om Raut states that the film may have received numerous trolls but it did well at the box office. As per him, Adipurush opened with very big numbers in India and collected 400 crore+ in the full run. The film was a box office success according to the director. Here, the number he states was true but it was not a box office success considering the film’s budget and Prabhas’ stardom.
The film’s span and budget bringing in only 400 crores is considered a flop. Kalki 2898 AD released recently and became an actual box office success. The film grossed 400 crores alone from the Hindi version with a positive talk everywhere. But this kind of reception was missing for Adipurush. Om Raut seems to be okay with the way how Adipurush performed but not the fans and audience.