Ram Charan gained significant recognition with RRR worldwide. However, a recent film where he had an extended cameo appearance, Acharya, failed badly. Even though it wasn’t a movie where he was the main hero, fans were disappointed. They hoped that the game-changer movie would demonstrate Ram Charan’s market and capabilities. Originally planned for a 2023 release, the film’s shoot has been continuously delayed due to the entry of Indian 2. However, it’s still ongoing, with the entire shoot expected to be completed by June this year.
Until now, everyone expected Indian 2 to release in August or September. Gamechanger was likely to be pushed to 2025 or Christmas this year. But now, there’s a huge buzz that Indian 2 is coming in May, and a teaser with the release date announcement is expected in a few days. The Game Changer movie team is said to be considering September 27th for release.
OG vs Game Changer
On the same date, September 27th, OG was officially announced for release. DVV Danayya recently confirmed that Pawan Kalyan will join the shoot in May. The entire shoot will be completed by June. After post-production works begin, the movie will be released on September 27th as planned. The Pawan Kalyan films released before are different from OG. OG is a straight big-budget and heavy-action film that created a huge buzz with glimpses and posters.
On the other side, the Game Changer movie team is considering September 27th as an appropriate date for a pan-India release. Since both Shankar and Ram Charan have global recognition, the makers want the film to perform well in all languages. So, they are aiming for a blockbuster date for all languages.
If the Game Changer team sticks to September 27th, it will directly threaten Pawan Kalyan’s film. The OG vs Game Changer clash is on. The entry of Game Changer in this period will also have a direct effect on Devara, which was announced on October 10th. The release date is just two weeks apart from these films. Fans and even audiences want both Game Changer and RRR to clash. After RRR’s release, fans have been continuously fighting for credits. These clashes between Game Changer and Devara will decide who has the bigger market between NTR and Ram Charan with RRR.