SS Rajamouli, the top director, is in the process of working on his next film that will begin production soon. He is set to present a biopic that will be produced by his son Karthikeya, in an interesting development. The cast and crew for this masterpiece will be revealed soon. Today, there was an official announcement made about the project by Rajamouli himself. The film is titled MADE IN INDIA, and it will be directed by Nitin Kakkar, who won a national award.
Varun Gupta and SS Karthikeya will jointly produce the movie, MADE IN INDIA. Marathi, Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam are the languages the film will be released in.
The filmmaker announced through a video on Twitter after creating suspense and hype. “When I first heard the narration, it moved me emotionally like nothing else. Making a biopic is tough in itself, but conceiving one about the FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA is even more challenging. Our boys are ready and up for it…With immense pride, Presenting MADE IN INDIA (in the original),” he tweeted.
Rajamouli will be directing Superstar Mahesh Babu for his next film, which will be made as an action adventure. KL Narayana is the producer of the film, which will start rolling next year.