Bollywood actor and director Farhan Akhtar has put an end to all the rumors about the third film in the Don franchise. The filmmaker has made an announcement about Don 3 earlier today. On social media, he shared a teaser announcing the film. The announcement video featured the words, “A new era begins”.
Though Farhan Akhtar did not disclose the cast of the much-anticipated film while announcing it, it is almost official that Shah Rukh Khan is out of Don Franchise and Ranveer Singh will be taking over for his place in the new film. The news will be confirmed by the film’s team soon.
Farhan Akhtar and producer Ritesh Sidhwani had bought the rights of the original Don (1978), in which Amitabh Bachchan played the lead role, and remade it with Shah Rukh and Priyanka Chopra Jonas in the lead roles. The first Don was released in 2006 and the second installment was released in 2011, with SRK and Priyanka reprising their roles.
According to the reports, Farhan Akhtar had planned a grand spin-off for the third part in Don franchise in the third part, with bringing Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan together, while Ranveer Singh was supposed to be shown as the new lead who will take the franchise forward. However, reportedly SRK was not much in favor of the idea, and he rejected it. Now, whether the Big B is the part of Don 3 or not will be revealed by the makers.