Mahesh Babu – Trivikram’s SSMB 28 is in its production stage at the moment and with every picture and small update from the movie, the anticipations are just going higher. Fans hoped to see an update from the movie for this Ugadi and it was also rumoured that the title reveal will be done on the auspicious occasion of the Telugu new year. But, it has now been announced officially that it won’t happen.
Haarika & Haasine Creations took to social media amidst the growing buzz of a title release for Ugadi and promised that while the fan’s excitement at the moment can be understood, the wait would be totally worth it!
The makers planned to announce the title with the glimpse but the title is not locked yet so they moved the plans to Sriramanavami. The movie’s title is not something Trivikram is rushing to decide. He is therefore being extremely careful with the title; he had also considered a few titles, but it now seems that he wants to take more time.
Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela will appear as the female leads in this project which marks a reunion of Mahesh Babu and Trivikram after 12 years.