Nikhil’s upcoming pan-India project Spy’s release date has been not changed. There were several rumors carried out in the last few days about the film’s release date that hero Nikhil and the producer were having differences regarding the same. But today all the doubts are cleared with the official announcement of the film.
The producer is still sticking to the June 29th date only and does not want to postpone the film. Now the team with no option is sticking to the same date and today an official confirmation from the unit of Spy regarding the same. The team is putting all efforts now to complete the pending parts before the release date.
The recently released trailer of Spy, the most ambitious project in Nikhil’s career, had managed to impress all. It’s quite evident from the trailer that the movie is being shot on a massive scale with good production and technical values. However, there was a small issue with the movie’s release date between Nikhil and the producer.
Spy’s producers wanted to release the film as planned on 29th June. But, Nikhil insisted on taking some more time to finish post-production works and later publicity works. Which is why he asked the producers to wait for one more month. The producers were not too keen on this delay as all the business deals were locked as per June 29th release date. If the release date gets postponed now, then all business deals will be affected.
Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur play the female leads in this action thriller directed by Garry BH. Aryan Rajesh and Abhinav Gomatam will also be seen in key roles in Spy. K Rajashekhar Reddy has also produced and written the script for the movie. The action-packed spy thriller will be released simultaneously in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada.