Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas has joined hands with Sagar K Chandra, the director of Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak. The Pooja ceremony of BSS10 was held today and the event was graced by blockbuster directors Harish Shankar and Parasuram Petla. The film’s regular shoot Will begin in the second week of June. It is the 10th movie of Sai Sreenivas career and tentatively titled BSS10.
As said above, the movie is written and directed by Sagar K Chandra, who had previously directed “Bheemla Nayak” starring Pawan Kalyan and Daggubati Rana. The film was released in last year’s February. After Bheemla Nayak Sagar did not work for any movie. It is said that many other top-class actors will appear in important roles in this movie. The movie is produced by Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta under the 14 Reels Plus Entertainments banner. The rest of the cast and crew details will be revealed soon.
It is very well known to everyone that Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas had acted in the Hindi remake of SS Rajamouli and Prabhas’ Chatrapati movie which was released in 2005, under the direction of VV Vinayak. However, his ambitious attempt to score a big blockbuster in Bollywood did not succeed.
Chatrapathi (2023) received a disastrous response to say the least. The film had collected RS 45 Lakhs Net on its first day and the share was zero. This is a proof that the Bollywood audience has completely rejected the movie. With this result, Chatrapathi had taught a big lesson to many Tollywood Heroes who are in a delusion that they can be successful in Bollywood. Now let’s wish that Sai Sreenivas all the best for his next Telugu Film.