Renowned banner of the Telugu Film Industry, Swapna Cinema had recently made a family entertainer Anni Manchi Sakunamule. Santosh Shoban and Malavika Nair played the lead roles in the film, while Nandini Reddy was the director. The film had received mixed reviews from both the audiences and critics. The film was released in the theaters on May 18th.
Following its release in theaters, the film is now ready for its OTT debut. The giant streaming platform, Amazon Prime Video, has revealed that Anni Manchi Sakunamule will be available for streaming from June 17. According to the official information, the film will be streamed in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada languages from this Friday.
Produced by Priyanka Dutt in association with Mitra Vinda Films, Dawood has written the screenplay for the film. Mickey J Meyer composed the tunes. Rajendra Prasad, Rao Ramesh, Naresh, Gauthami, Shaavukaaru Janaki, Vasuki, Vennela Kishore, Ramya Subramanian, Anju Alva Naik, and Ashwin Kumar played important roles in Anni Manchi Sakunamule.
The film tells us the story of Arya (Malavika Nair) and Rishi (Santhosh Shobhan) who are mistakenly exchanged at birth by doctors, between two warring families who have been in conflict over their ancestors’ shared properties. As Arya and Rishi grow, the conflict among families gets worse. The rest of the story is about how this dispute is sorted out, and how the families came to know about the truth about their kids.