Nushrat Bharucha has been finalized as the leading lady for the Chatrapathi Bollywood remake starring Bellamkonda Srinivas. The movie went on floors recently and the first clap was given by SS Rajamouli who had directed the original.
The search for a leading lady has been on for some time and names such as Disha Patani and Shraddha Kapoor were reportedly discussed for this film. The makers saw Nushrat’s performance in the Pyaar Ka Punchnama series and Sonu Ke Titu ki Sweety and felt the actress would fit the requirement.
Nushrat meanwhile is excited about the role and okayed the project instantaneously. The film was fitting into the actress’ plans and she even loved Chatrapathi hence she jumped on to the project the moment it was offered to her. Reportedly, she has also shot for a few scenes in the first schedule.
The action thriller will be directed by VV Vinayak who incidentally also directed the actor’s Tollywood debut ‘Alludu Seenu’. This will also be Vinayak’s Bollywood debut.
Bellamkonda Srinivas is also brushing up his Hindi skills as he wants to dub for the film by himself. He has appointed famous Hindi coach, Imtiaz to train him in the nuances of the language. Chatrapathi will be shot in Hindi and will be dubbed in Telugu and Tamil. Jayantilal Gada’s Pen Studios bankrolling the ambitious project which went on floors recently.