Today marked the official debut launch of Balakrishna’s son Mokshagna in Tollywood. The Actor has collaborated with Prasanth Varma as part of his Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, PVCU. The film is also tentatively titled PVCU2. Mokshagna also celebrates his birthday today. To everyone’s surprise, NTR has wished for the success of Mokshagna.
A poster of Mokshagna has already been released by the team. NTR shared the same picture and congratulated him on his debut. He also wished for the divine blessings of their grandfather, Sr. NTR upon Mokshagna for his new chapter of life. This is indeed a happy news for the fans and audience. Many thought that all was not well within their family for a long time. But NTR took no time to wish the best for the success of Mokshagna.
Balakrishna is also speculated to play a role in the film. This film is currently touted to be a mythological cum modern day fantasy film. More details are yet to come. The female lead announcement is also expected. Sudhakar Cherukuri is acting as the producer of the film. The film will obviously be made with high budget and released as a Pan India biggie. So, let’s all the best to Mokshagna.