Tollywood Actor NTR has made himself a saviour for flop directors. The Actor worked with many directors earlier who had delivered flops in the past. But thanks to him, they witnessed successes and now it looks the same is the case for another Director Koratala Siva with Devara. The film is running successfully in the theatres grossing more than 250 crores for the first weekend.
Puri Jagannath suffered setbacks before Temper but revived back with its success. Sukumar too tasted bad result with 1 Nenokkadine and found a decent success with Nannaku Prematho which released later. Bobby who’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh became a disaster had a success with Jai Lava Kusa. The same happened to Trivikram with Aravinda Sametha who earlier had a bitter result with Agnyaathavaasi. .
Koralata Siva who delievered back to back blockbusters right from his debut had witnessed one of the biggest disasters in the form of Acharya starring Chiranjeevi. Many people trolled him badly for his direction and felt that he might not bounce back. But with Devara, Koratala Siva managed to revive his career. NTR must also be appreciated for giving an opporunities to these directors who had miserable flops. He is believing in them completely which is proving to be successful.