Devara starring NTR is all set for release on 27th September worldwide. The film’s formalities have been completed and it was also awarded the U/A certificate. Now, the makers of Devara have requested for a ticket hike for the theatres in Andhra Pradesh and the government has also issued the necessary G.O. on this. NTR after this has thanked both AP CM Chandrababu Naidu and Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan for the ticket hikes issued in AP.
NTR took to his official X/Twitter Account and tweeted, “My heartfelt gratitude to the Honourable CM, Sri @NCBN garu, and Honourable Deputy CM, Sri @PawanKalyan garu of the Andhra Pradesh government for passing the new G.O. for the #Devara release and for your continued support of Telugu cinema. I’m also thankful to Cinematography Minister, Sri@kanduladurgesh garu.” (sic).
The tweet has attracted many views and likes as well. Many appreciated NTR’s heartful gesture in thanking the leaders. Devara is also reported to have gotten a ticket hike of more than 135 rupees for Multiplexes and 110 rupees for Single Screen’s premium class and 60 rupees for Single Screen’s second class. With these prices, Devara is all set for a record breaking opening in Telugu version.