NTR and Ram Charan’s RRR is all set to make a grand theatrical release on January 7th, 2022. Audience from all over India and overseas are waiting to witness two star heroes together on screen. In accordance with anticipation, the release of movie in USA is at its peak. The movie got the biggest release ever in USA with 999 multiplexes across the country.
This is quite a huge number. Back in 2017, distributors in USA has made a blunder with ticket pricing of Bahubali 2. We all know how excited people were for the movie and this has led to the spike in its ticket rate. Bahubali movie ticket price was around $30 and $40 depending upon locations.
This has sparked outrage here and there. A notion of boycotting of movie has also passed among the people. But, now things changed in the US for good. The distributors are opting for a audience friendly ticket pricing which makes it quite affordable for people.
As you see in the above pic, the highest price of movie is $35 in Dolby vision. Apart from that all the other prices are nominal. Trade pandits have always opined that movies that are available at affordable ticket prices are the ones that collected huge in the US. So, the expectations for RRR collections is sky high.