It is widely known that a big action film was announced in the combination of NTR and director Prashanth Neel. NTR was supposed to join the sets of this high-budget film after completing his another Pan Indian film with director Koratala Siva. However, the commitments of both NTR and Prashanth Neel have stalled this project’s proceedings and looking at this situation it is almost certain that NTR – Prashant Neel’s project is expected to face a significant delay.
This buzz was already in the industry for a long time as Prashant Neel’s Salaar was supposed to come in two parts and there are rumors of Prashanth making KGF 3 were raised as well. Now with the latest announcement of NTR’s Devara getting released in two parts has almost confirmed the delay in his Project with Prashant Neel.
Actually, NTR – Prashanth Neel’s film was expected to start after Salaar but the plans have been changed because Salaar makers had officially announced that the film will be made in two parts. So now Prashanth Neel will be busy with his lineup and at the same time NTR also will be busy with Devara two parts and WAR 2. Because of all this, NTR and Prashanth Neel’s project is expected to start after a very long time.
Meanwhile Prashanth Neel is currently busy with the post-production works of his upcoming pan-Indian film, Salaar starring Prabhas in the lead role. The film will be released on December 22nd, clashing with Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki.