A fresh controversy erupted in the form of a Paper AD of Tollywood Actor Balakrishna congratulating him for being conferred with the Prestigious Padma Bhushan Award by the Government of India recently. The AD had the names of all the family members of Balakrishna except his nephew and Tollywood Actor NTR. This sparked an online outrage for the ignoring of his name.
The Paper AD made it to the front page of all the leading dailies today. The AD showed below the list of the family members of both Nandamuri and Nara, the family of Chandrababu Naidu. But there was no mention of NTR and Kalyan Ram which appeared very odd. NTR congratulated Balakrishna immediately after the Actor’s conferment of the Award which was also appreciated by many. Strangely, the name of his other late nephew and Tollywood Actor Taraka Ratna too went ignored.
No one knows if this was intentional or overlooked. But this seriously caused a fresh rift between the fans of both Balakrishna and NTR who often engage in such situations, over any bitter treatment of the Actor. NTR always remained silent regarding these incidents. It is going to be the same even now.