Bimbisara is one of the most prestigious projects in Kalyan Ram’s career. He has been looking for a solid hit after Pataas and this movie looks like it. Kalyan Ram didn’t just act in the movie but also produced it. Bimbisara has been touted as the largest franchise in Telugu too. The movie is going to come in four parts. Kalyan Ram has given an opportunity to yet another debut director.
Jr. NTR and Dil Raju has watched this movie and are very happy with the output. Right now this is the topic that is trending in industry. Dil Raju is the distributor of Bimbisara in both the Telugu states. He liked the movie output it seems.
Bimbisara is the story of a ruthless ruler. He conquered various kingdoms during his rule and due to some circumstances he ends up in this present generation. what is the reason behind his time travel? what is he planning to achieve and various other things will be revealed on the big screen itself.
The movie trailer was released recently and it did attract many eye balls. Katherine is the female lead in this movie and Samyuktha Menon is playing as another female lead. Mallidi Vashisht is the director of this film and movie is produced by Kalyan Ram under the banner of NTR Arts.