Kamal Haasan’s tenure as host of ‘Bigg Boss Tamil’ has come to a dramatic end. The end of an era has sparked widespread enthusiasm and curiosity among fans and journalists alike. The recent season’s controversial red-card eviction of competitor Pradeep caused anger, with a segment of the fandom demanding a new presenter.
As Kamal Haasan steps away from the spotlight, Simbu and Vijay Sethupathi become the frontrunners among the replacement candidates. Simbu, known for his outgoing personality, previously hosted the OTT version of the show, ‘Bigg Boss Ultimate’.
Vijay Sethupathi, a talented actor with a flare for presenting, received praise for his appearance on ‘Master Chef Tamil’. Both have close ties to the Tamil entertainment industry, making them attractive possibilities.
However, according to Kollywood media, Vijay Sethupathi has now been confirmed, and an official announcement will be made soon. Despite the widespread conjecture, Vijay TV has yet to confirm the new host. Fans eagerly await the channel’s announcement, wondering whether it will include a known personality or a surprising new addition.
As Kamal Haasan steps away from the spotlight, Simbu and Vijay Sethupathi become the frontrunners among the replacement candidates