Comedian turned director Venu Yeldandi’s Balagam had given a superb performance in Telangana in its theatrical release as the audience owned the film, but in other areas the film underperformed compared to Nizam. Everyone then passed comments that the film’s content cannot be liked by audience of all areas.
However, all those comments turned out to be wrong after Balagam released in OTT, the movie is winning every Telugu people’s heart as many netizens have shared emotional responses on social media. The team of Balagam is receiving massive appreciation from every Telugu audience in the world.
Especially, many were taken aback by the talent shown by the director Venu Yeldandi, as no one expected, him to make a film which carries such strong and rooted emotions. Balagam proved that the culture and traditions might differ from a place to another, but the emotions will be the same.
Starring Priyadarshi Pulikonda, Kavya Kalyanram, Muralidhar Goud, Jayaram, Roopa and Kethiri Sudhakar Reddy in major roles Balagam was released as a small film and became huge blockbuster at the box office.
The other cast of the film includes Kommu Sujatha, Arusam Madhusudhan, Aasni Manaswini Gowd and more. The music for the film was composed by Bheems Ceciroleo and the cinematography was handled by Acharya Venu.