Megastar Chiranjeevi’s meeting with AP CM Jaganmohan Reddy has been the centre of the news for the past couple of days. Chiranjeevi met the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister at Secretariat in Amaravati to discuss various issues plaguing the film industries. Post the meeting, the Acharya actor briefed the media that theatre closures and G.O 35 and other ticket prices related issues were discussed during this meeting held over lunch.
However, multiple media outlets gave this meeting a political angle. Many channels and websites suggested that Jaganmohan Reddy has offered a Rajya Sabha ticket to the Megastar.
Chiranjeevi took to social media and trashed these rumours and asked people to not react or give attention to such baseless reports.
He stated that his meet with the AP CM was purely to discuss the issues of Tollywood. ‘An attempt is being made to give this meeting a political colour. My only agenda for this meeting was to discuss theatres and ticket pricing issues in the state. I have absolutely no intention to enter politics and don’t wish to enter any assembly at all,” he Tweeted.
Chiranjeevi had established Praja Rajyam party back in 2008 and his party had won 18 seats in the 2009 AP Assembly Elections. He later merged Praja Rajyam with Congress and even served as the Minister of Culture and Tourism at the Centre. He has been away from politics ever since and has time and again said that he has no intention of going to that field/