Today marks the birthday of Tollywood Actor, Mahesh Babu. Fans and Audience are excited for his upcoming film with Director SS Rajamouli. The film was announced but not with a press meet yet. Usually, Rajamouli announces his films with a formal press meet where he shares the story and other details of the film. But this hasn’t happened now. This gives rise to a question whether Rajamouli is fearing to announce the story of SSMB29 with a press meet.
There’s no better date than today to officially launch SSMB29. The story of the film has already been locked and everything is set. But there is a strategic silence from Rajamouli and the team for reasons unknown. There is no single update about SSMB29 today yet which is very disappointing. Fans and Audience have been expecting something but in vain their appeals are not addressed by Rajamouli.
Could this be the reason?:
Till now, Rajamouli never made a solo-hero film since Maryada Ramanna which was a remake. His later film, Eega was completely based on Graphic content and never recognized Nani or Sudeep as the hero of the film. Moreover, it was viewed as an extension of Magadheera. Baahubali later too was projected as a Multi-starrer of Prabhas and Rana.
RRR too had NTR and Ram Charan. Rajamouli is now making a solo-hero film after many years. So, he might be fearing to give details about the film as this doesn’t unite other heroes’ fans. Any disappointment about the story from the press meet may project the film negatively. There is also a speculation that Rajamouli might be going straight ahead with the film’s shoot without a press meet. Anyways, this is very disappointing to see no update coming out from Rajamouli or the team about the film. Fans and Audience need to wait further.