Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan has recently announced his upcoming films. OG directed by Sujeeth will release this September 27th and Hari Hara Veera Mallu Part 1 will release in December this year. But to everyone’s surprise, both of these films won’t be releasing in 2024. This is quite a bit of disappointing news for the fans as there will be no Pawan Kalyan movies in 2024.
Pawan Kalyan is taking a big break from acting and is likely to join shooting after 2-3 months. OG is learned to have postponed to 2025 and Hari Hara Veera Mallu for 2025 Summer. Pawan Kalyan who is also active in politics has taken time for campaigning. So it feels he might have gotten exhausted with the trips and wanted to take a break. Pawan Kalyan wouldn’t take part in any films shooting.
NTR’s starrer Devara is now eyeing this release date in September month. This is a golden opportunity for Devara which fixed its release date on 10th October tentatively. Devara, NTR’s pan India biggie has many stakes involved. There were rumors about Devara facing competition with many other Indian language releases. Now, Devara might feel a bit comfortable with these films’ postponement.