Sudipto Sen’s The Kerala Story caused quite a stir when it was released in theaters, and the film was a resounding success at the box office. However, the film’s makers are now facing problems as this Controversial blockbuster is having no takers from the Major OTT platforms. It is very well known to everyone that the film, The Kerala Story, was surrounded by many issues but still emerged as a box office winner.
In an interaction with the media, The Kerala Story director Sudipto Sen thrashed the reports of the film being ready for the OTT streaming because they still have not got suitable offers from any OTT platforms. He also said that the film industry has been ganged up on them for such a big box office success of their film. Sudipto Sen told, “But so far, we have not got any offer worth considering. It seems the film industry has ganged up to punish us.”
On being asked the reason for getting punished, Sen replied, “Our box office success has irked many sections of the film industry. We have a feeling that a section of the entertainment industry has united to punish us for our success,”
The Kerala Story collected over 230 crore at the box office and was monitored by over 3.40 crore people. According to the Bollywood box office trade analysts, the Kerala Story is the second highest-grossing film at the box office in 2023, second only to the numbers of Shahrukh Khan’s Pathan.
Sudipto Sen recently mentioned that he had made the film, The Kerala Story, to wake up 100 Crore Indians. Speaking at a seminar on ‘Reality of Conversion and Uniform Civil Code’, Sen said, “Some people make films to earn ₹100 crore. We made this film to awaken 100 crore people.”
Sen also claimed that efforts to discredit the success of The Kerala Story had failed and because the public accepted the film truly. He said that people are now talking about issues of terrorism and conspiracy to turn women into Islam after watching his film.