Game Changer is the upcoming film of Ram Charan directed by Shankar. The film has been under shoot for many years. Director Shankar’s other commitment in the form of Indian 2 has also added to Game Changer’s troubles. With Indian 2’s recent disastrous performance, there is no clarity left for Shankar on Game Changer.
Game Changer had no specific release date earlier but Dil Raju, the producer recently revealed that the film will release during Christmas season. So Everyone fel that the film would at last release in 2024. But the recent news indicates that Game Changer may very well get postponed to 2025. This has again disappointed the fans and audience.
Indian 2 has become a box office bomb. The film’s continuation part, Indian 3’s fate now hangs in balance. Shankar needs to complete Indian 3 first and become successful with it. So he would definitely delay Game Changer for Indian 3. He would think about Game Changer only after finishing off Indian 3. Game Changer’s shoot has started in 2021 and it’s been 3 years without a film release for Ram Charan. This is another disappointing thing for Mega Fans. Game Changer is a crucial film not only for Shankar but also for Ram Charan. Fours years of time for a single film would get wasted for him if something bad happens for Game Changer.