Mosagallu is a upcoming film starring Manchu Vishnu in the lead role. This film started it’s shoot long back and is now gearing up for release on 19th March. Mosagallu will have a pan India release in Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada languages. This film story is based on one the Biggest Scam which took place in India. Kajal Agarwal, Sunil Shetty, Navadeep and Naveen Chandra are noted cast in this film.
Manchu Vishnu has produced this film under 24 Frams Factory in association with AVA Entertainment. The film has been in post-production for more than a year and recently in a promotional interview Vishnu has revealed that this film has been made with more than 50Crs budget. The trailer of this film was launched by Mega Star Chiranjeevi last week and Vishnu is trying his best to take this film closer to audience. Sadly no distributor has come forward for the theatrical release and Vishnu has decided to release this film on his own in all languages. To consider this film as profitable venture it needs to collect atleast 60% of its budget which is a hectic task considering his market. The team of Mosagallu has screened 10mins sneak peek of the film to few selected audience and media people as part of promotion.