Talented actress Nithya Menen ha come up with a new web series titled Kumari Srimathi. The web series has been produced by Early Motion Tales and Swapna Cinemas of Vyjayanthi Movies. Directed by Gomatesh Upadhye, ‘Kumari Sreemati’ web series started streaming in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi languages from September 28th. The series is now trending at no 1 position on Amazon Prime Video.
In the series, Nithya Menen played the role of a girl with independent feelings of taking care of her family, and she vows not to get married until she wins back her ancestral home which is in. court litigation. She wants to start a business to rise to a higher position in life. The viewers have liked this series very much and that is why it is trending at no 1 position on Prime Video.
Srinivas Avasarala, Uday, Karthik and Jayanth created Kumari Srimathi web series. The film is directed by Gomatesh Upadhyay. The series has been released in Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil languages on Amazon Prime Video. The series is being produced by Vyjayanthi Movies and Swapna Movies.
Srinivas Avasarala appears in a guest role in the series while Talluri Rameshwari, Gautami, Praneetha Patnaik, Nirupam, Thiruveer, Naresh and Prem Sagar acted in major roles.