Nikhil’s Spy which was released last month amidst great expectations is now streaming on OTT in all languages. There was a lot of drama surrounding the film’s theatrical release as Nikhil wanted to delay it to ensure better quality while the producers had other plans. The film was released amidst poor reviews and the actor failed to capitalize on the success of his earlier pan-India blockbuster Karthikeya 2.
Coming to Spy’s OTT release, it is streaming on Amazon Prime Video in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi.
Nikhil’s Spy was promoted as the movie that will reveal several secret missions and ideologies behind the Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose mystery. This created a solid buzz for the film but in the movie, they did not touch the Netaji subject in detail. In fact, there was only a particular incident before independence that has a screen time of around just 15 minutes. The lack of detail on Subhash Chandra Bose and the mystery surrounding him turned out to be one of the biggest drawbacks of the film.
Nikhi’s Spy also starred Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur as the female leads and was directed by Garry BH. Aryan Rajesh and Abhinav Gomatam were also seen in key roles. K Rajashekhar Reddy has produced and written the script for the movie.