Hero Nikhil. This young actor came to the Telugu film industry in the year 2007 by the Shekar Kammula’s directorial film Happy Days. It’s been 15 years since that this feel good film came. And he proved himself by doing such a good films like Yuvata, Swamy Ra Ra, Kartikeya etc., Now once again he’s coming with a Pan Indian spy thriller movie called Nikhil’s SPY.
The teaser of this movie was released on social media. It looks good while watching it on screen. The taking and DOP looks quite impressive. But this isn’t enough. the Background Score is also not gripping. It flows on average meter. As of now, it’s just a teaser, yet more to come.
This Big budget Pan Indian film Nikhil’s SPY is helming and editing by young director Garry BH. Produced by K. Rajashekar reddy, Under the production house called ED Entertainments. Nikhil’s SPY is going to release on the occasion of dashara, in 5 languages Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada. He is also doing another Pan India project called Karthikeya 2 pairing with Anupama Parameswaran which is directing by Chandu Mondeti.