Nikhil’s upcoming Pan India thriller film Spy, which is based on the unseen story and the secrets of Subhash Chandrabose, was launched recently at Kartavya Path (Raj Path) in New Delhi. This is the First-Ever movie teaser launch at this iconic landmark. The teaser of Spy got a tremendous response and the audiences were waiting to see the film on the big screen. However, it is said that this pan India film is in talks to postpone its release.
The film was scheduled for 29th June release but according to the reports, it is said that the post-production works of the film are still pending. The team is now in plans to postpone the release date and an official announcement regarding the same is expected to be out soon. It is also being reported that the producer of the film was very keen to release the film on June 29th but the hero of the film, Nikhil Siddhartha, made him agree to the postponement as the work is still pending, and they need to have a bit of time for the promotions of the film as well.
The teaser of Spy begins with Makrand Deshpande explaining to his team about Bhagwan Ji Files, which is nothing but India’s best-kept secret, creator of Azad Hind Fauj, idealist, and freedom fighter Subhash Chandrabose. He calls the death of Netaji in an airplane crash a story of concealment. The spy played by Nikhil is given the responsibility of solving the mystery. And then everything we see is extravagant action in the other parts of the teaser.
Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur play the female leads in this Garry BH directorial, with Aryan Rajesh and Abhinav Gomatam appearing in other important roles. Apart from production, K Rajashekhar Reddy has also written the script for the movie. The action-packed spy thriller will be released simultaneously in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.
Sricharan Pakala and Vishal Chandrashekhar composed music for this pan-Indian movie. Let’s wish that Nikhil scores another big hit with Spy.