Actress Niharika Konidela continues to surprise not only the mega fans but everyone by her confident behavior. Recently, she received heavy backlash for acting in a web series titled Dead Pixels, which has numerous adult dialogues. The fans felt it was unnecessary for her to act in such Web Series, and they also felt she should not go to the glamorous side as she hails from a respected family. But Niharika Konidela continues to surprise everyone with her latest glamorous photoshoots.
It is very well known to everyone that Niharika Konidela is the one and only heroine from mega family. Niharika, who also entered into production, recently took a break from films and came back after her rumored divorce. The actress, who is active on social media, has once again entertained her fans with her latest photoshoot. While some are liking her new avatar, some can not accept her glamorous persona.
Niharika Konidela has also faced these issues in her earlier days of career, but she proved her capabilities with a web series named Mudda Pappu Avakaya which was a big hit and Niharika’s characterization clicked well. Thereafter, she debuted in the Telugu film industry but did not get any success, though she was appreciated for her performances. Moreover, she did not do any glamorous kind of roles in movies she acted in.
Then after she got married and took a break from acting. She gave a comeback with a new web series, Dead Pixels. However, fans were unhappy with this web series as they are unable to bear a bit of bold content in film and Niharika has played a character which has some adult dialogues which the fans thought unnecessary for her. Leaving the bold content, there is no actual content in the series, and it failed to attract the viewers.